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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sixty Second Serenade

I can sixty second serenade you deep into the light baby blue

in my eyes, and the skies, and the hue of feeling me plus you.

Who ever knew when smoldering stars collide the arithmetic

doesn't have to add to one and one make two?

Sit back now, baby, and admire these events soon to transpire

My words are saccharine fire, articulations of dark desire,

white-winged angels meant to inspire, and I call on my powers

hour by hour to seduce the fickle and denounce the sour.

Your seductive glances mingle with mine for some time;

smiles catalyze moments sipped sublimely like wine

yet these intertwined fingers betray our designs,

our intentions towards something undefined but divine.

So I ask you, baby, are you bitter or sweet? Will I reign victorious?

Meet perfect defeat? Will I be reeling in hasty retreat, will I be

falling feet over feet? No lies, no deceit, just passion and heat

but enough of the abstract... lets make this concrete.


  1. brilliantly done. the rhyming worked well- it flowed beautifully but didn't compromise the theme of the poem.

    ... lets make this concrete.... favorite line

    also, is the last line of the first staza meant to say,"add to one and one TO make two?".. my only critique. love this piece

  2. Thanks for the feedback kyle!

    The line is written the way I wanted... In some instances where sexual chemistry is running on hot 1+1 don't necessarily =2, especially once the night is done. The speaker's initial views start to change (at least a little) towards the end.
